Thursday, September 29, 2011

Astroscopes: The Rundown by Sign

Aries: Having to play nice, or sugar coat things is not something you enjoy at all, but right now you are feeling yourself having to do just that to get by with those around you, especially those you are in a relationship with, and also family. It's not that you don't want to get along with people, especially those you love, in fact you like to be liked as much as loved, but you also like to call things as you see them and get real about what is happening, skip the emotions please, so you are feeling yourself getting moody and intense as you try and fetter out the best course of action to take with those people who are wearing on you. It is best to wait before doing anything drastic though, you don't have the whole story yet, and things aren't as they see, wait it out first.

Taurus: Things at home are tense to say the least, and given to outbursts and dramatic flare-ups, and that leaves you to try and balance everything and everyone ever so carefully, and having to play peace maker and diplomat to those around you. This is starting to take a toll on your health, especially with your lower back and energy levels, you just simply are tired of the back and forth and need a much deserved break from the hustle and bustle, and also the refereeing you have been doing lately. Good news is that hidden blessings will start cropping up over the next few months as long as you try and keep a positive outlook, and not be overly suspicious and guarded, it is okay to receive now. Friendships are likely growing apart for you, they just seems to be drifting in different direction from you are now. Just know that all things happen for a reason, and there is good things yet to come.

Gemini: Lots of misunderstandings often lead to lots of heated arguments and not-so-nice exchanges, everyone just seems to want to pick a fight, and sometimes it is you who is doing the picking, but you try to look on the bright side. This is a time of feeling tied down to commitments and things to make everyone else feel better, and so you aren't getting as much "you" time as you would like, so expect this week to be a trying one as you work on how to fit yourself into your schedule again. It will be a challenge, as you feel others are trying to control your every move, and this brings up instant reactions from you and them, just take a breath and let this blow over, remember, this too shall pass.

Cancer:  Feeling under the weather? Take some time to relax and retreat into your shell as you work through what ails you. Think of it as a chance to catch up with people on the phone or online and a chance to be pampered a little. On the other hand, others around the house might not be taking too kindly to you taking some time off from life, but when you need a break you need a break, say what you must to keep the peace and crawl back under the covers, there is time enough for sparring later. Watch your joints and also depression now, as you may be feeling overwhelmed by life, especially the past or things that once made you quite happy are now coming to a close. It isn't the end, but a beginning to better things ahead, if nothing else trust in that.

Leo:  Overwhelmed party of one! That is how you are feeling now, everyone wants something from you, and you are just trying to keep up,  sure you like a steady pace, but this is break neck speed, and not something you are taking to kindly. No matter what you do someone seems bent out of shape, and catering to what everyone likes and feels is not your cup of tea, so expect to be a good bit moodier than usual and not up for the usual stuff from those who are always demanding of your time.You are feeling more emotional than usual, too, and missing those people that you care about most, this is a trying time, but you will see it through, if there are children, they are likely on your mind now as they are going through some hard times, and life in general isn't feeling like a party right now. Trust what you are feeling intuitively about your relationships, as they are changing, and you will see some parting of ways in your inner circle, but with time you will bounce back, promise.

Virgo: Work, work, work! That is all you seem to get done now, but it is turning over some much needed cash, which is always a plus, though sometimes you have to struggle with urge to splurge on things that catch your eye, you are still playing catch up on the monthly bills, so it is always back to the grind to work some more. Communication, especially with siblings, friends, neighbors, and those you work with seem charged with a not-so-nice kind of vibe, or just simply seem confusing to you, and not making much sense, it all seems a bit foggy, so might be a good idea to figure out why that is and go from there, as it has been churning under the surface for quite a while now. Pay attention to home as well, there are some things that need your attention, and it something only your special touch can fix.

Libra: All the lights are on you now, and that is usually something that you don't mind, usually, but it seems that you are feeling out of your element and out of your head now, you are just not feeling up to all the usual stuff, you are really sleepy! This is a time for rest and just taking it easy for a while, the good thing is that you are seeing an increase in money, whether it is a lot or a little, it is steady for now, so save up! Spend some time with your mom, or things that remind you of her, if you can, give her a call, you are both feeling lonely, and if she is in spirit, go ahead and talk anyway, she listens and you will feel her near. There are changes coming in your relationships, and some of them will be more of a challenge than others, especially with your friends, but keep that smile on, it will help.

Scorpio:  You are keeping much of what your feeling under the surface, which is not all that unusual, but you are getting more restless with being held down and will start going for independence more, please and thank you, it has been something you have been planning for quite sometime, so it is starting to really build under the surface now, and getting to you more than usual. Finances are a problem now, there have been unexpected expenditures here lately that have really had you taking a double look at your budget each month, especially impulse buys, and things that make you feel more sensual and attractive. There is a real desire to travel, especially to somewhere showy and expensive, so that may be something you put on hold for now, but it never hurts to dream!

Sagittarius: The focus today is on business and how other people view you, it is all about expressing warmth, beauty, and a flirtatious kind of humor that draws others in and makes you very likable, so charm your way to success! Also, friendships are likely to bring up deep, hidden feelings that you are quick to shrug off as an attempt to protect the hurts you have experienced, especially through loss or through betrayal by partners and friends, keep it light and focus on the big changes coming to home and family in the coming months.

Capricorn: Relationships are becoming more dramatic and complicated than you like, so you are trying to broaden your horizons by reaching out to friends and acquaintances, but don't be surprised if jealousies pop up from all of that, but then again, when you are with friends little else bothers you, try to stay chipper and in good spirits today, it is all about turning a new leaf, but others may feel you are not being totally honest, whoever said mystery was a bad thing? This is a time of intense feelings, some of which may be coming from a relationship that continues to haunt you, don't look back, that is the key to moving forward. Also watch splurging and spending on things, some of which may be too good to be true.

Aquarius: Confusion anyone? Things are starting to pile up for you, both paperwork and feelings, and you aren't sure how to divide and conquer on either front, this comes as you go through some unexpected changes dealing with yourself and what you want, you may find yourself feeling unsure if you have made the right decisions, and it is starting to really wear on you today. Try and realize you have done the best you can, and allow yourself to forgive, forget, and focus on the here and now, and talking about your "stuff" with a trusted friend, who may feel like a counselor, who gets you and what you are feeling, would be a good way to alleviate your depression and anxiety over things. Take care of health concerns, especially guard against flu and colds right now, and may be plan a little trip that no one knows about, just something to get away from it all.

Pisces: The romance scene is really starting to get over technical for you, and everything feels like a battle of wills, you usually don't mind having someone steer the ship, but you are tired of fighting and wondering where you fit into their life. things are really starting to get all shook up though, and there will be some major ups and downs as you start making a stand for what you want and feel, and as you well know those are things that are subject to change pretty often. Your emotional state effects how you are feeling, and how you approach your everyday life, try not to let your troubles in relationships and feelings adversely influence your health, but rather put your flashes of insight and psychic feelings to use, they are bubbling under the surface, and will give you the answers you seek, as always, keep the faith.

Tarot Corner: The Hierophant

The message today is to get back on the straight and narrow, we all stray from our purpose, from doing what we know is in our best interest, but the Hierophant comes to show you that you need to start paying more attention to your words, actions, and attitudes for the best outcome to your situation. Think of it as the divine calling card, what are you being called to do? Take a moment, and breathe in comfort and peace, and know all will return to happier times once you remedy what is no longer working for you, as long as you listen and do what you know in your heart to be right. This can be a serious, gray haired man that is traditional and pious, think of what you can learn from this person and listen to what they have to say. At this point in your life, you are either seeking guidance, looking for something more fulfilling on a spiritual level, or finding yourself taking on much responsibility, know that which ever area you find yourself in, all has been taken into account, and you will find that which you are looking for, all you have to do is ask, seek, and knock at opportunities door, and all will come in it's divine time. One of the best representations of this card comes from my personal favorite, The Faulkner Tarot, Rhiannon Faulkner, the author, gives the best explanation of this card if you are looking to learn how to read the tarot for yourself. here is her  and if you are wanting to learn the official Faulkner method, and live in the New Mexico, Ohio, or West Virginia areas contact Rhonda Neese through her site-

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tarot Corner: The High Priestess

The message today comes from the High Priestess, when she appears to you know that there are things in your life that are being kept secret, or that someone close to you is keeping something major under wraps, if it is you that has the secrets they are well kept and hidden, but if you are wondering about what is not being shared with you, then you will have to sense and feel out the answer, as she keeps her mysteries and her secrets well hidden behind her veil. This also brings to you a woman in your life that calms you and inspires you to be all that you can be, and to also look into higher education and reading books on the psychic and unexplained, as this is a time to trust your instincts and powerful intuition, you are buzzing with messages and insights of your own that need to be looked into. Also, be careful of sharing too much info with other people, now is a time to sit back and observe and be open to seeing truth and subtle changes in people and circumstances you have never noticed before. If you have been questioning your spiritual purpose, or if you are meant-to-be in the spiritual field, take today's card as an absolute indication that you are indeed well suited and meant to walk this path. So whether you seek out a psychic, ask your mother or grandmother for advice, or follow your own intuition, know that you will be finding out many things about yourself and life that you have yet to uncover. Remember, just as the High Priestess represents the middle way or pillar, as it is called in the Western mystery schools, you, too are being asked to walk the path of mildness, seek balance within yourself, and remember the wise words that come from the Kabbalah-  "Severity without mercy is cruelty; mercy without severity is weakness..." For some extra insight, place the High Priestess card under your pillow, and write a question on a sticky note that you are wanting insight into, though she won't give you all the details, the High Priestess does always give an answer, be sure to take note and wait to see what unfolds.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tarot Corner: Queen of Pentacles

This is the lady that has it all figured out, yes she keeps her eye on the prize, but only long enough to figure how it fits into her monthly budget! The message this card is sharing with you today is learning to splurge within your means, it is fine to have a bit of luxury but the answer is not placing it on a line of credit, rather, look for ways to save for the things you want in life, and work to never be indebted for those things you need or want. Though this may seem easier said then done, you are being shown you have a plan coming together to accomplish what you are wanting, it will take much time and hard work, but the years will pass and will leave behind trails of silver and gold that will not only warm the soul, but also the pocket book. This card also represents a dark haired woman with a dark complexion, she may have the answer syou need to help you along your way. Remember, this is a time to nurture your wealth and your plans for putting it to use, as much as it is to keeping everything and everyone on schedule, keep this in mind and you will be amazed at the progress you will see, and maybe even a little extra bling.

Sacred Messages: Dragonflies

This year has seen many ups and downs, and now a whole community of Dragonflies are popping up all over the place it seems. According to Ted Andrews from his classic, Nature Speak, the Dragonfly represents a time of transformation, metamorphosis, and change, but above all things, they teach us to walk in the light. This is seen by them only being active during the day, Andrews also goes on to say that their deceptively beautiful colors are just that, an illusion caused by light refraction, so their presence also alludes to seeing through these illusions and finding the truth. For me personally, I see their coming to be auspicious, and to also awaken those of us who have had a difficult two years to the message that all will soon be well.  I have also received the message to pass on to you that just as the Dragonfly overcomes the mosquito, so will you overcome your troubles, and also those who have caused you many woes, as long as you walk in the light and stay true to what you know is right. This is also a time, speaking of blood suckers and mosquitoes, to take care of any unnecessary spending, and get to the bottom of those holes in your budget, but to do this you must be real with yourself and see where you are having problems in your finances: it won't take care of itself or go away on its own, also if it comes in pretty packaging, it usually also comes at a pretty price, so do be aware-that is something else the Dragonfly seems to herald, awareness. There are so many sacred messages around us everyday and when we take the time stop and look around, we find that nature and Creator are always showing us ways to understand why we are going through things in our life, and also, especially with the Dragonfly, how to recognize when the Sun will come to rise again. So be sure to get outside in the Sun, listen to music that lifts you up, and stay on the cheery side, things are looking up!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Astroscopes: The Rundown by Sign

Aries: You have been itching to put all you have learned to work on revamping your everyday routine and job, perhaps in the hopes of climbing the employment ladder, but mostly to get out of your rut and shake off the home sick quality you are having: whether that is mama's home cooking or just  to reminisce, you would rather just put your nose to the grind stone and leave it at that.

Taurus: Work and life is starting to hit close to home, and you are ready for something to give! You are feeling like you are always having to play the balancing act between the daily dash and the comforts of family and home, and even though you would love to curl up next to that special someone, or just simply cozy up to that comforter for some much needed pillow talk, it won't pay the bills. Take the time to talk about how you feel, or it will catch up with you when you are totally exhausted, if you aren't already.

Gemini: You have been waiting for a chance to let your hair down, and now it has come rolling around, but that doesn't mean everyone is happy about it, friends seem to be really unpredictable now, and you are try to just take in some much needed R &R, you would do good to keep things casual and light, and let all the moodiness pass, it is time to just unwind anyhow, so keep the chatter down and turn up the tunes, everything needs to clear up before you go seeking everyone out again for the party barge. On the plus side, you are feeling really in tune with your feelings and intuition now, and dreams are starting to play out in real life possibly, but avoid reading too much into relationships of all sorts now, it is a little too hot in that kitchen!

Cancer: Today is all about getting in touch with those feelings you have been keeping to yourself, you may have not known how you felt till now, but it isn't something that you can keep under wraps, so watch your sensitive tummy and let those pent up feelings fly, you will feel much better once you have. But expect there to be some strong responses, as it will be coming as a shock to those on the receiving end.

Leo: Careful what you say today, you have been sending mixed feelings because you haven't been dealing with the things that bug you with those you care about, too bad you can't just bury them and forget it, but since you have already tried that, go for the open and honest approach, it will suit you much better!

Virgo: It is time to say what you really want, it is okay to have needs, so instead of hum hoeing around, put yourself out there and bring it into the conversation, you might just get a pleasant surprise! Now is a time to watch your health, and catch up on sleep, as you have been working to rob Peter to pay Paul, so find cost effective ways to lighten the load to make some time for you, and if your pals are crabby now, just give them time and space, this time is for you!

Libra: Feeling raw and emotionally out of balance is no easy task for you, but you have taken it in stride. Today you need to figure out what is going on with you, and the best way is to remember dreams and odd little coincidences, they may be the key to figure out your mystery. Everyday life has been unnaturally off the handle, so try and let yourself have some fun and de stress, talking about things will only make things worse, so immerse yourself in some meditation or easy listening music, or watch a favorite movie that is all about the magic, reality needs to take a back burner for today.

Scorpio: You have been putting all you have into relationships lately, but are feeling a little let down or hurt. Try to take a step back and focus on redecorating or putting your laser like intensity into some artistic project like painting, staying close to home and in your sanctuary will help heal your wounds, but you will gain perspective about your relationships by following your intuition: everyone is just traveling around like moths to light, they still care, but are just wrapped up in everyday life, give it time and they will come back around.

Sagittarius: There is a lot of intensity going on with you now, and it isn't all the kind of attention you are wanting, today is about setting boundaries and taking a break from all the talk, just sit back and breath for a while, there is a lot of things that are seeming like they are meant to be, and you have to take a minute to see where you are going in life, and who you are wanting to leave behind, as these are big time changes and require some serious thinking, just try and make some time for play, though, it can pretty stuffy with all your ideas burning around in your noggin!

Capricorn: Nothing seems to be coming out right today, and you are likely getting frustrated and depressed, don't be so hard on yourself, Rome wasn't built in a day and you are just trying to figure out the how and why, so the final result will look much different then what you are seeing right now, keep that in mind as you work out your professional plans and also your relationship woes, all will turn out if you can just keep your usual cool and drive to succeed in tact.

Aquarius: Tears have been many for you, and getting caught up on the past or what you could have had or done is creeping into your mind today, it is time to stop playing the blame game with yourself, and allow your self to heal, too many feelings at once can cause sickness and with you not being used to all the water works, you need to just hang on your own as you are feeling like everyone isn't "getting you" but it is because you keep so much to yourself not because they don't care. Finances have also been troubling you, but give it time and think about fresh new ways to get the dimes and nickles back in your coffers.

Pisces: You are feeling like doing things out of the blue and unexpected, and everyone else is wondering why? why? why? the fact is you don't know, it all is feeling fuzzy right at the moment, but you are looking to having fun, and not the lecturing of what you should want or do with your job and money, truth of the matter is that you would like to forget the job, responsibilities, and money worries, and chuck the white picket fence for the wide open roads, take a breath and think this through, if not for your sake for those around you wondering what will do next. Live and let live is your motto, but you may need to scale back your big lifestyle changes for the time being.

Tarot Corner: The Moon

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."  Macbeth- William Shakespeare

When this card comes along it is time to pay attention and watch your step, things aren't clear or as they appear! To some of us the Moon is a source of romance, poetry, and the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth, and the seat of all things soulful and spiritual, but to others it is spooky and can make the hairs on your neck stand on end, when it is full it may bring in the eerie howl of the wolves and coyotes, reminding us about all the things that go bump in the night, and how mama always said nothing good happens after midnight. Whatever the Moon means to you, in the tarot it is nothing good, maybe it is a relationship with unexpected strings attached, or even a business deal that is too good to be true, in any event steer clear of trouble and don't go through the shoulda, coulda, wouldas, when all is said and done you will be glad you didn't, no regrets here, but may be a sigh of relief for what could have been.

Astrology and Relationships: Love's Celestial Playground

When we meet people we find that we are instantly attracted or drawn in to them, or totally turned off, right? I feel it is safe to say that it is part of human nature to feel these connections, they are after all what can lay the foundation for a beautiful marriage of 60 years plus, or a tumultuous love affair that is so full of passion that it burns itself out, maybe it is a friendship that lasts from the womb to the last breath in this incarnation, either way relationships are a beautiful part of what makes humanity divine, when it chooses to be, so lets have a look at what role the stars play shall we?

For those of you reading this is probably seems silly to believe that these connections with others are all biological and filled with complex pheromones and subconscious dominance issues, that plays a part I'm sure, but there is something "fated" about the people we meet, we will look at this more in a future article all about the Draconic or "Soul Chart" as it is sometimes called, but first we will look at the aspects made between the planets and make some sense out of the stars' language on love and romance.

The Trine:

This is a relationship that is all about going with the flow, think of spending days and nights living in bliss with someone who seems to be right out of the Better Homes and Gardens Beach Edition magazine, now wake up, EEK!!! Haha, got ya, the issue with a Trine between planets is that the relationship is reflected as picture perfect, but perfect can be more than some people can handle, and soon can become dull or predictable, there is often a lack of excitement, of that sexual tension, sure you can build blanket tents with the chairs out of the dining room, but there can be a real lack of maturity with too much of this going on in a relationship chart, remember, less is often times more.

Good planets to see in a Trine- Mercury and Mars would make a good combo for this aspect, as you could talk for hours about what you want to do in your life, what you want to accomplish, or what your passions are, this aspect would stimulate the partnership on a mental level, and even put some healthy mental competition into action, scrabble anyone?, and who knows where else you could use some of this burning creativity, ahem!

The Sextile:

This is the kind of relationship that is about the relating, I see this aspect as forming a friendship, and though positive, as you can never have to many friends, or as I consider mine "a family of friends" for many there is a much deeper need, a connection and bond that binds the souls, and while the Sextile shows an ability to relate and get along well, it doesn't show too much promise on it's own for a passionate love affair.

Good planets to see in a Sextile: The Sun in a Sextile to your partners Venus would be a great combo for this tiny-but-mighty aspect, this would make for a very flowing, casual, and flirtatious beginning to what could perhaps turn into a wind swept romance! Also, you both would make each other feel really sexy, attractive, and special, so as you can see, the Sextile can truly pack a punch!

The Conjunction:

One of the most powerful aspects, this would show a relationship that is destined to be, the Conjunction is like an eclipse of the heart and soul, and is almost like a glue, you cannot get enough of each other, or likewise, get away from one another, this can very easily be a life long relationship that simply won't quit, and lets hope you don't want it to, because it could easily be reflecting a positive loving marriage, or a very unhealthy partnership that you simply can't shake, depending on the planets involved and signs too of course, but taking it on it's own you are looking at a real turning point for you in the romantic area when you find someone who you share this aspect with, it will for sure set the tone for a lifetime.

Good Planets to see in Conjunction: The tradition planets you want to see, especially for those that are of the marital persuasion, is the Sun and Moon, or either one, or land's sakes even both, on the Ascendant or Rising Sign as it sometimes called, this is going to be a very influential partnership no matter the outcome, so enjoy the ride! This is a going to be a partnership where your partner's feelings, if it is their Moon, will influence and guide your feelings about life and yourself even, you will want to merge into them completely and rarely be apart, so it is no wonder it is seen in marriage, you can't get enough!

The Square: 

Wowee, this is some kind of an intense rendezvous, but could sure turn out fun! This aspect can lead to loads of temper flares and heat-of the-moment exchanges, but that isn't always a bad thing, is it? The Square can easily be one of those aspects where you love someone so deeply that you can't stand it, or sometimes even them, but what is most important is taking the time to see where they are coming from, there is no relationship that can't be mended or worked through, but this is one of those little celestial pairings that could be a deal breaker if you start playing the relationship games, tread light and enjoy the fireworks, as there will be plenty to go around.
Good planets to see in a Square: I can't say that any planet is going to be "good" in a Square, but one pairing that would sure be good for some zest in your love life would be with the Sun and Mars, though it could threaten the one partner's ego and independence, it is sure to turn up the heat in a battle of wills that is sure to please, but be aware that conflict will arise with any square activity, but that can make all the difference in a good way.

The Opposition:

The last aspect we will look at is the opposition, and good golly are we talking about coming from two different universes! At least that is what we feel at first. The thing about having planet's in opposition is that you have a feeling of having to seek out whatever the planet that is involved represents in your life, whether that is the Moon, emotional and feeling sort of needs that may change or need mending, or perhaps Jupiter, which all about giving and needing to sweep your lover off their feet with possessions or dreams that you have a mind to build on, either way it may not be there style, or they may not go for what you are wanting or needing to give or receive. Seem hopeless? Not totally, as it depends on the planets, it also depends on whether you are willing to get real and see that this could be something really great if only your fear of being that person who gets everything but still feels empty, or has to settle and always yearns for more, doesn't keep you from something really fulfilling, it may be good to ride the waves out to calmer seas, you might just find that you are more alike than you ever realized, or that they were providing something then that you really find you want in your life now, it can all sort of hit you later, either way you will be changed from this experience even if it goes up in flames.

Good planets to have in Opposition: Like the Square, there isn't any planet that is "good" in this little matching, but having your Suns in Opposition can sure lead to some soul searching, you might even find that they are the  missing piece to your life that you have always been looking for, but could never find, as they are totally on the other end of the spectrum from you that they can show you how to  let loose and forget about the problems and worries and go for a sail on the Love Boat, especially if we are talking about Pisces/Virgo combo, at any rate you might just find that you like this kind of tension after all, could really get you out of your head, so give it a try, like they say, variety is the spice of life!

This is just a taste of what the Synastry chart can reveal about relationships, and not just the romantic variety either, we are all made to tick a certain way and sometimes just the right person comes along to work in sync with our quirks, and bring with them a few of their own. If you are burning to know more about how to put the spice back into your love life, I highly recommend Susan Sheppard's book  The Astrological Guide to Seduction and Romance: How to Love a Libra, Turn on a Taurus, and Seduce a Sagittarius, you will be greatly amused by her whimsical approach, and greatly enlightened by her insights into relationships.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tarot Corner: The Knight of Wands

"If you want to be great and successful, choose people who are great and successful and walk side by side with them." Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's all about the Biz and making it quite the hoot and a holler when the Knight of Wands comes rolling in. This card is associated with the fire sign people( Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries) and brings out the inner leader, you know how to take charge, take center stage, and make the visions of tomorrow available today. This is all about the charm, directness, and passion that only a fire sign can project, so flash a warm smile, and bat your eyes, you've made it baby!  Many tarot readers see the Knight of Wands as the best business card in the deck, it is all about learning the tools of the trade, of expanding your mind and going after what you want, after all that is what makes the magic happen- visualizing success and then taking it. Be sure to not let opportunities pass you by, or education either, you want to be ready to go with whatever comes your way, and with all the craftiness and intelligence you will be more than capable of achieving this; remember to always believe in yourself, and have fun doing it, too, this knight is all about living life to the fullest and jumping on the chance for adventure whenever possible, so go out for some drinks with friends, take in a good movie or play with that special someone, and know that you will be all that you expect and more, if only you allow yourself to be.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tarot Corner: The Hanged Man

    "Ever drifting down the stream, lingering in the golden gleam, life, what is it but a dream?" Lewis Carroll- The Hunting of the Snark, and Other Poems and Verses.
Feeling stuck? Like you can't pry your feet from the drama and mess of life? Just feeling confused or having a total "huh" moment or even month? The Hanged Man is today's card and these are all things that this card represents; Neptune is the ruler of this card, and so decisions feel like they will never be made, as you aren't sure what direction to go in, nothing seems to be "right" for you. There is also a sense of being trapped, or being unable to break with relationships or the past, you may be feeling as though the light at the end of the tunnel is forever out of reach in your situation; what is important with The Hanged Man is patience and using your mind to conquer what is holding you down or back, it is all an illusion, and you have the power to free yourself, and reclaim your life. Also, watch issues with the feet and lower legs, and be sure to follow your intuitive feelings, if you receive words or names in your mind look into what that might mean for you, also look for time management problems and running behind to be a recurring theme. Don't be discouraged, all will be well in time, and know that your are being looked after by the angels and the Creator, you are not being punished, just given a little roadblock for now, time to slow down and rethink your plans.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Adele- The Voice of an Angel and the Soul of a Generation

For my first official post I wanted to take a look at the ever talented and soulful songstress, Adele, there is no question that she made for the stage, but if you look into her birth chart and into her hands, you find that it takes a great deal of courage and divine inspiration to get her in the spotlight.

                                                                 The Astro Breakdown:
She has her Sun in Taurus and it is conjunct Jupiter, this makes her very popular and warm with people, that is really what draws you to Adele, aside from the phenomenal talent, is the warm and sweet person that she is- radiating warmth and acceptance through her her own struggles that we see in her deeply personal songs. Her Mercury joins this duo in the next sign of Gemini, which Mercury rules, and this gives her an amazing ability to put her feelings into words-words are the best way for her to relate to other people, it is how she connects and feels her way through life. If we look at her Venus, also in Gemini, we see that she needs to have people to bounce off all of the constant ideas and feelings that are buzzing around in her mind, she has a nervous energy with these planets in Gemini, and would most likely find that relationships with others creates calm and allows her to expend all these twirling thoughts and information; when we pull a conjunction of Chiron, the wounded healer, with Venus opposing the Moon, Uranus, and Saturn, we see that her music is very much a product of self healing through honing a gift that was meant not only to fulfill her dreams and heal her wounds, but to do that for other people, her music is therapy for the soul, and we see that this opposition says she has been through much pain through emotional abandonment,and the actual absence of a parent in her life, or feeling like she had to be mother to her mother at times, too.   The chart also shows us a strong Mars connection in the sign of Aquarius, this makes her quirky and different in her approach to her talent and life, and with it being square the Sun and Jupiter, she goes through frustrating ups and downs in her what she is able to do creatively and most likely has frequent blocks based on insecurities ( e.g. is this something I want to world to know? How will this make this person or that one feel? Is this going too far?), with Mars being in a fixed sign, and this aspect makes these folks very focused and driven to accomplish whatever they set out to do, it challenges her ability to brush it off and move forward. It is interesting to see that Neptune, planet of mystics, poets, saints, sinners, and also amazing vocal ability, is trine her Sun and Mercury in the sign of Taurus, she puts all of her feelings, both good and bad, into her musical ability which the Sun shows us being in the sign that rules the throat, voice, and singing as well. Adele would be someone who feels other people's pains, is truly very sensitive and also easily hurt, and who makes her art a devotion to the power of emotions, one of the strongest forces in our world. This is why folks feel she is telling the story of their lives, she is channeling through her art the plight of every soul who has ever been hurt, left behind, or forgotten by someone they loved, or even by their own self criticism, ruined their chance at happiness: her music is a call to feel the pain of  regret so you can heal and remember what it taught you, not to set up a permanent residence there. Her Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, and this makes travel, higher education/philosophy, world cultures, and above all else, the truth what she is most about- beneath the voice and the talent is a girl who has big dreams, who loves to laugh, travel with friends, and experience the world with gusto, with no limits to where her mind and her plane tickets can take her to, she is looking for the next big adventure, but with Uranus, planet of shocks and changes, conjunct, she often gets more than she bargains for, and this is most true romantically, she cannot be held down( we see this with Pluto opposing her Sun and Jupiter) she must have self control, or else feels like she is powerless to stop others from breaking her fragile heart. It is likely her moods shift and change with her environment, or when she goes thinking about the past and what the real story was behind what didn't work in her life, for someone with a Sagittarius Moon, the truth rules out in the end, it is just a matter of accepting it, and that can be the most difficult part of the whole experience; she may have also moved a lot as a child, and her mother was likely a free spirit who would do things spur of the moment and was unpredictable, trying to run away from her past and taking her along with her through many fun adventures and new scenery always around the corner. All in all, she has lived a whirlwind of a life already, but there is always more waiting to be greeted in this funny little play we call life, and she is living it to the fullest through that beautiful voice, and what a miracle that is for so many of us out there today, to have that beauty on the airwaves and running, not just through our minds, but also in the deepest parts of our soul, it is truly a gift.

                                                       The Story of the Hand:
When we see Adele's hands we see a very caring and inviting person, she also makes many gestures, going along with her strong mercurial nature, and this shows a busy and affectionate person who is constantly trying to let others know how much she cares. These are the hands of someone who can be very maternal and nurturing, but also fiery and quick to act on a slight- she is very open and to the point, but there is a shyness to her character as we see with the pale quality of her palm/hand, she is overflowing with emotions and this can create depression, anxiety, and almost make her want to be reclusive from the world, this says she can feel very vulnerable as well. She technically has an Earth shaped hand with strong fire and water presence, but back to the shape, it is somewhere between a square and conic shape, but together it tells the story of a determined artist who shapes her life around what is able to plan and do on the whim, but still there is a plan. She hides much of her anger and frustrations, and that pale hand has also been seen, in pictures, to be quite red, she should be careful of blood pressure or sugar issues, and try to de-stress as much as possible. On that same note, when we look at her Jupiter finger (the ring finger) which is all about career, ambition, and success, it has the greatest attention at the base of the finger, and this says that her success takes a very big toll on her physically, as the bottom phalanx is all about how the physical body is impacted by the attributes of that fingers, and what area of life it represents. We also see that her view of herself (ring finger/ Apollo) is greatly tied to her life's purpose, and to the work she puts in( middle/Saturn finger) she really wants to focus on work and career, the success too of course, and steer away from her personally, which may seem odd considering how frankly personal her songs are and how much detail she shares about their meaning, but she really only wants to discus these things when it is centered around her music, otherwise I would imagine she could be pretty private. The thumb tells us that she has a tendency to let others walk on her, or attracts pushy or strong personality types into her life, and she bends over backwards to please them until she has had enough and has to step out of that pleasing-others- role: she has probably learned some hard lessons about standing your ground and having boundaries as a result, and found that living to please yourself and what works for you is much better, those people who come in to take a wreaking ball to your life always make sure they have what they want, and so you must try and do the same if you find yourself in this situation. The mount of Mars, Venus, and Luna are areas of great importance, too. The Mars positive area (between the thumb and the index finger) shows that she has to constantly fight for personal independence in her own life and balance that with commitment to relationships and also her destiny, she must feel like Superwoman sometimes in her personal life with this tall order to fill; take the Venus mount next, and you see that she has grown tired of searching for Mr. Right, and would like him to just come to her instead, this is an area where she feels the most vulnerable, as most of us do, and she really feels incomplete without someone by her side. The last mount that sticks out is Luna, it is very large and she is burning with creative ideas and words, but can often take things the wrong way from people, and is likely to remember any and all things said or done to her in life. This can be a blessing or a curse, but either way, she is able to recall a lot about her feelings and what happened with them, but she must be careful not to let that wonderful imagination run away from her sometimes when she is dealing with people, they often know not what they do, or at least don't care, so that can be a very hard reality to come to terms with. Adele is a very interesting soul with lots to teach us through her music and her way of approaching the world with that shy eagerness, and uncanny ability to sing the song of her life, and ours as well. She often sings with her hand over her heart and her hands open, she is open to receiving love and shares it with her fans everyday and in every way when she pens those wonderful songs, it is no surprise that a hand reader would see that hand over her heart as an undeniable sign that she speaks from the heart, and what a beautiful sound that is coming from an angel like her, with a voice that has already changed the world and this generation. 

I hope all of you who have read this have enjoyed these little insights, and I hope you come back to read more as they can be put on here. 

Thank you! -The Starcrossed Astrologer

* Please note that this blog in no way is meant to diagnose, treat, or expand on issues of a medical nature, you should always consult a qualified medical doctor for anything in this area. All interpretations are intended to be for entertainment only. The Starcrossed Astrologer, Everyday Soothsayer, or cannot be held liable for any damages or issues resulting from the content of this forum or from advice that is taken forthwith from it. Thank you