Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11: The Key to Unlocking your Hidden Desires, and Changing the World One Vision at a Time.

Have you ever seen 11:11 on your alarm clock or radio, have you ever wanted to know what it means? It is an angelic message that calls each one of us to embrace self-love and universal love for all, though our world has seen much upheaval and violence in the past few years, and this year especially, this is a turning point where tolerance and gratitude come to the forefront, and our calling in this life is to be recognized and followed. May peace and love shine upon each of us today and the next several days as we transition from selfishness to selflessness, and as we face the challenges and hard times to come-this is the Universe saying that the time has come to be accountable, and in the article that follows, what you can do today to work towards that goal that has been envisioned for each of us by Creator.

There has been a great deal of mystery, and even fantasy, revolving around the number sequence in today's date, but what, if anything, does it mean? Can it be channeled into daily life, and be a starting point for something big? The simple answer is an astounding yes! Here is a bit more on how you can embrace the symbolism of 11-11-11, what it can mean for you today, and for all the years that follow in our lives, and in our world. Taking the month and the day we see that we are still currently in Scorpio territory, and this has been a year of great upheaval and change, not to mention violence, secrets revealed about world governments, and the surprises that come when the people stand together to make a difference. These are all things you can find in Scorpio, and the ruling planet, Pluto,and even the ancient ruler, Mars- we are passionately going against what we have been told we should believe about our governments, and the also learning about corruption and the need to change it (Pluto in Capricorn). But what does this mean for you and me? How does any of this make sense or piece together on a personal level? Well, Scorpio's axiom, the essence and the lesson that it brings, is " I desire, therefore I am" seems easy enough, even a little enigmatic, but in those words lies the key to unlocking the secrets that today holds, we each have a chance to focus on what we desire and can see it come to pass through what we think; what we do; and what we believe we can accomplish. Thoughts and actions make up the process of manifestation, and reflects the nature of how our Universe works: What you think you create, and what you do you reap in return. Anyone for a little physics lesson? " For every action there is an equal, and opposite reaction" from Newton' Laws of Physics, so from there you can see that the way you define yourself, the words you use, how you approach life is very much shaping the world you experience, and what part you have to play in it. So for today, try and find the good and the positive in your life, in others, and in you, celebrate your ability to bring light into the lives of others around you, and embrace the gifts you have been given. This is a date not only associated with mysticism, but also self-acceptance, and beyond the superstitious quality that surrounds it, you can perhaps see it as the Universe and the angels calling you to your life's purpose and work, don't ignore what feelings you have, or what you are drawn to, remember that this is a date that the angelic realm has marked as a turning point in our world for finding your calling and eliminating those things that take away from your focus and drive to create your life as you have always seen it. Something to do today, and the next couple of days, is to make a vision board of what you want to achieve or see in your life, whether it is world peace, abundance, or relationships, you have the ability to make it happen, so let that be your guide today and always.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sacred Messages: Tufted Titmouse

The natural world is full of signs and lessons that we can all apply in our daily lives. The message from the Tufted Titmouse is that things are looking up more than you realize, all you have to do is open your eyes and see that much of what you are worried about is in your head, and your thoughts are not in alignment with what is going on around you, or as Ted Andrews put it so well, the truth in the situation. Our fears can feel so real that we forget to continue on with business as usual in favor of  playing into the idea that something isn't right, we aren't going to make it through, or that the nightmare will never end. The secret to the message that Titmouse brings is that we can create our own nightmares, and prisons, through letting our thoughts and minds get away with us, and can leave us debilitated and unable to see that we can overcome anything that stands in our path. Think of it like this, what is a shadow, no matter how thick and twisted with images of horror and fright, if only the shade that comes before the light? Simply turn the light onto that wall of shadow and watch how quickly it evaporates into the warmth of it's brilliance. The same is true for your health, relationships, money, and life as a whole, turn on the light and see that what your fear has no more power over you than the night over the day; it is simply a frame of mind that brings growth and lessons about trusting yourself, God, and the plan set out before you in this incarnation, trust and let the truth be your light through the trials of your life now, all will be well, and though that may seem cliche or wishful thinking, remember that life is nothing but a vision board dotted with the wishes and dreams you have for yourself, you are the one who decided what the end result looks like, so choose your path and your visions wisely. Titmouse represents Spring, and though we may be entering into Winter now, remember that there is hope no matter how grim things may appear, but be willing to accept the truth as it comes, now is the time to face what you fear and conquer it through right thoughts and your brilliant light, so let it shine for all the world to see, and you may find yourself as happy and wiry as the Titmouse, so give yourself the chance at living in happiness and bliss for today, and for all the days that come after.