Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Astroscopes Special: New Moon in Aquarius- Help is on the Way

A New Moon provides the chance to take advantage of opportunities, much like planting a seed ( which comes to maturity at the Full Moon) we have the ability to start a fresh cycle in our lives, and grow our plans and ideas for the weeks that follow. This is the perfect time to start things, as the growing light of the Moon will bring renewed focus, drive, and optimism to reach the goals you have set. In short, the New Moon represents a blank canvas, waiting for you to create your masterpiece. The New Moon in Aquarius this past week was the perfect start to anything dealing with friends, acquaintances, technology, or group efforts, though not so good for charisma and charm, as Aquarius is very matter-of-fact, and doesn't beat around the bush, but relay exactly what they see.

 Aries: Making up with friends, or at least considering it, will be on your mind for the following weeks, it will be important to reach out to the people who come to your mind, there will be some important info to come from this, don't let it pass you by.

Taurus: Chumming up the office scene will be the best medicine for the winter blues, that is where you seem to live these days, something you have come to accept, even though you would rather not, at any rate, you are making the most of the office family that has come together, time to tweet/text and get together.

Gemini: Long term goals are being brought to your attention, maybe that beach trip to hang out with your pals is on the mind, or just a quick get away, anything would be an improvement, but it seems that it is more about the phone and networking scene that you are left with, but it never hurts to dream.

Cancer: Intense doesn't begin to describe the moods you are having, why can't people understand you? We are talking some misunderstandings and hurt feelings, but all isn't lost, it rarely is, just try and put yourself in your shoes, not any easy ride in either pair, is it? Offer understanding and you will receive the same.

Leo: That hot romance fizzling into the friend zone? Well don't expect hot and spicy with any relationship you are in, or hope to be in, as the current trend is to be more friendly that overtly passionate, sometimes this only adds to the pizzazz, now is about working on the "like" part of the equation, the love shouldn't be in question, unless you are taking on emotional water on your little love boat, things will heat up again soon and be muy caliente before you know it!

Virgo: As if having Mars tripping in reverse wasn't bad enough, you find yourself being somewhere between a powder keg and a ball of raw nerves, and neither one is particularly fun for you. The is a time to expect issues to come up with health and the day to day affairs of life. There is a chance to mend some fences, but you aren't good to anyone all sick and tired, get some good rest, it will help more than you think.

Libra: You are looking for more unusual ways to entertain yourself, and your social circle is definitely going to be seeing this trend blossom over the next few weeks, but that isn't all bad, things were starting to get a little more than dull, and you have the spark to bring some color back around, just don't expect everyone to share in your new found uniqueness.

Scorpio: Expect for there to be some coolness at home, as you've lost that loving feeling. The New Moon is bringing with it new boundaries for relationships, making them more cooperative than close, this is a time to get by while you can. but expect waves as you go along, not everyone will be a fan of this new found perspective.

Sagittarius: Yak, yak, yak, that is what you can expect for the foreseeable future, it seems like everything is coming via word of mouth, just be cautious that your strong sense of truth doesn't get you into trouble, as this is a time for telling it like it is, and that can make you more enemies than friends, then again you don't really value friendships where you can't be totally honest, so let it rip!

Capricorn: Show me the money! That is what is on your mind for the time being, and also how to make the more of it; whether it is flowing in, or coming to a screeching halt you are now looking to work out the kinks in your finances. Expect for the work scene to bring about some difficult responsibility changes, but these are things you saw coming, the real shocks will come to the bank account, good or bad.

Aquarius: The cosmic spotlight is on you, and it involves your health and well being, take a time out and a break, as this is the time to find new ways to recharge your batteries. The emotional scene has been going between extremes, and now you are able to bring yourself into balance, and separate yourself from dramatic relationships, take care of yourself.

Pisces: There are plenty of things that you have been trying to sort under the surface in the most rational way possible, and yer you find yourself still struggling to not react emotionally. You feel your way though most of the time, but you are now trying to see things for what they are, be careful though, it is easy to miss the big picture when caught up in the details, be willing to take responsibility for yourself, but only what is fair.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Astroscopes Special- Mars Retrograde: Burning both Ends of the Wick!

With Mars, the planet of fights, and competitions going into retrograde in Virgo, we all have to mind our manners and our words as we learn from experience, even if that means growing one doozy of an ulcer in the process, keep your head held high, and stock up on the Valium while you can, it will soon be your best friend. With this happening in Virgo, you can expect to have struggles in boundaries, work, health, and being a worry wort more than usual- this, too, shall pass, and even though you will be happy to see that day come, it will leave you with plenty to think about for some time to after. Hope you enjoy this little write-up, touched with a whimsical side of sarcasm, hey, it is affecting me too, you know?  

Aries: Mars rules your fiery self, and so you will feel the retrograde motion grinding on you more than the other signs, save Scorpio of course, so expect to be frustrated over everything, nit picking your daily schedule to death, and generally going at with everyone around you. As they say, the Devil is in the details, and so right now it is the little things that chap you the most- just rest up where you can, and watch your diet, get more leafy greens like good 'ol Pop Eye, it will help give your intestines a break and a chance to catch up, heart burn and other digestive things are likely to flare up along with your infamous temper, try and keep things simple, and don't read more into things than you normally would, over thinking things will lead to problems.

Taurus: Your energy and drive is usually nice and easy, easy and nice, but with Mars peddling backwards, you are finding yourself spinning your wheels in the sheer responsibility of life, and this isn't a field of daisies, either, but more like a pile of manure. Needless to say, this isn't going to do with it involving your social scene, it feels like you never have a moment to spare these days, and though it will pass soon, it will not be soon enough to get you back on the freight train to fun, good times abound once our little red friend decided to start spinning forward again, but until then, expect to miss out on the friends and romance scene for the time being. But chin up you, it will be better before you know it!

Gemini: Family and the job are in conflict, red alert, there may be two sides to you, but at the moment you don't have all the hands needed to pull the pokers out of the fire. With Mars resting in this place, you are wondering when you can expect the drama to end, and the money to start rolling in, well, facts are that the money is more likely to trickle rather than rain, and the family feuds have yet to settle down, as everyone is checking what is in it for them, and they are looking at the fine print, so are you, but distracted is an understatement to your concentration now, especially with all the pressures and stresses, but don't bail out to the pool side retreat ( and not just because you would grow icicles  off the tip of your nose) but because there is is many things to be gotten in order- hard work and drive will be your best bet to see a decent outcome, give it your best shot.

Cancer: Talking won't be solving anything for you, even if it seems you are getting somewhere, or that it is helping, with the planet of fights and competitions you will be running the marathon all on your own; as the other person(s) will be pouting over by the sidelines, so don't expect anyone to engage you in fighting it out, talking it out, blah blah, just high tail it back to the safety of your shell, or else you will give yourself a headache trying to get your point across, everyone knows the truth, so better to leave well enough alone.

Leo: Like the saying goes, " money talks and B.S. walks" this retrograde period will be involving the almighty dollar, and boy is it going to be an interesting period indeed, this won't be a good time to budget, negotiate, or otherwise haggle with funds and income, as it will go in one ear and out the other, this is going to be a trying time for getting yourself where you want to be in your business or job, or even finding one if you are unemployed, as the money talks are going to set a whole other tone. Either way, you will want to know what is going on with your coin, but don't expect any miracles just yet; this is all about sticking it out, and there are few as tough as you.
Virgo: The pressure is on, and you are feeling it, tummy aches and the like abound for you now, it is all about you putting up boundaries, putting your foot down, and standing your ground, just don't expect the other party to see your sense of self and assertion just yet, what you are doing is laying the ground work for how things are going to be, it will be hard to keep your self from popping your top straight off, but eventually you will cool down and decompress, just breathe. Don't be surprised if things get childish and silly, they probably will, even if this involves your kids by chance, it will smooth over and you will provide a firm hand to see that it does, there is a new sheriff in town, time to law down the law.

Libra: There is nothing quite like a Libra scorned, and that my friend is what this is all going to be about, trust issues will abound, and the little pet peeves that drive you straight up the wall will be having you grinding your teeth like a beaver to wood, and when you crack clear open the whole town better watch out, because you have been holding back some things for awhile now, this isn't going to be anything less than a meltdown, as your feelings are truly raw from having Saturn on your case for the past year, and with it staying with you till this coming October, you want everyone to know that you aren't laughing, and they shouldn't be either. Yes, you want to be care free, like a kid swinging from a jungle gym, but life has dealt you a serious turn of events and that is another battle yet to be waged. Keep it simple and try and take things in good fun, all isn't as it appears.

Scorpio: Promises, promises, nothing seems to chap your bum more that whiners and liars, your fibs don't count when it comes to pay backs of course ( they had it coming you know) but this retrograde will bring about issues with friends and associates, and you biting off more than you can chew. It feels like everyone is wanting something from you, to the point that they have you signed up for things you may or may not be aware of, so learning to say no will be a help, easy right? Well this includes the adorable, loveable, and kissable in your life, "no" isn't a bad thing, it encourages patience and the value of responsibility, it isn't always up to you to fix everyone's problems, even if you are the best at managing, your ancient ruler taking a trip backwards is telling you to slow down, settle down, and let other people do for themselves- this isn't a buffet, it's life, sometimes you get pudding, other times a heap of pickled eggs, either way life marches on.

Sagittarius: Working nine to five has it's up sides, Ms. Dolly had that right, it will pay your bills, but you are starting to lose interest and developing some ticks from having to go over everything with a fine tooth comb; this sort of work environment doesn't suit you, especially when it doesn't live up to your sense of truth, but the hard work will pay off, and learning to buckle down to get things done will be a good lesson, even if in disguise. You might feel like a straight jacket is in your future, but in fact it will be a reward for putting your all in and then some, sometimes making roots can be a good thing, but have no fear, retrograde or not, you will find a way to make it liveable, after all, life's a party.

Capricorn: Been there, done that is the new mantra for you, nothing really gets you riled up like it used to, and life has been feeling dull, this is all about looking back at what you have achieved; where you have been; and the big lessons you took away from it. Travel really suits your fancy now, but it isn't likely to happen for a while yet, you keep talking yourself out of it, Mr. Responsibility, but life isn't passing you by, it is just idling for a minute, enjoy the detour, as it will be back to freight train speed before you know it. Friends may have you a bit jealous, though, as they are getting to do more than you, oh scholar that you are, but you will have the last laugh, and even if they can read all your emotions like a book, especially what you write or say on the phone, it will be all the more reason for them to watch out as you come springing back onto the scene.

Aquarius:  Things just got real, nothing is fun and games right now, all is quite serious, and you are plotting about how to come out smelling like a rose. Mars, retrograde is teaching you to respect the boundaries of passion and obsession, not just in relationships, but all things that have up and all abuzz. In fact,  you are keeping secrets, and passing some along, too, this is a time for you to explore your fatal attraction side, no don't go all Glenn Close on us, please, but do pursue happiness at whatever costs, just as long as they don't break too may laws. Your guilty pleasure may also involve a secret desire to move far and away, or to go after some big academic accomplishment that will have everyone talking;  remember, that not everyone is looking for the commitment that you are, just stay aloof and try not to get too attached, as it may be too good to be true, this goes for moving camp and catching that jet plane out, too, and that would leave you blaming yourself for things not working out, it is best to play it cool, and keep things casual and carefree, even if you are building a shrine to them as we speak, or drooling over the culture or beach of that little island away from home, you are just excited, just don't over think or do anything right now, it is all about the poker face, wear it proud.

Pisces: To say it is a labor of love is an understatement, all that relationships feel like now is work, and you are growing more and more emotional about as we speak. Feelings of under appreciation, and being mean and green with envy for the time you spend with other people that are special to you, or that takes you away from the confines of the partnership have you scratching your head, unsure of what to do. Nothing you say seems to be helping either, and with Mars tripping on back, you can expect misunderstandings at both work and home, and there is likely not going to be any boundaries between the two at all. The best balance is to be on your own, swimming in your own pond for a while, the waters will still, but not until you gain some independence.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Astroscope Special: The Full Moon in Cancer- What is Churning in your Depths?

Astroscopes: What is Churning in your Depths?

This is a special look at the effects the full moon will bring to your sign; whether it be good, bad, or somewhere in between, know that each is a gift as special as the other, as both teach the soul to be all it can be, to love unconditionally, give full heartedly, and remind each of us that humility is the path to enlightenment, enjoy!

Aries: Watch out on the home front, it is likely way too hot in that kitchen! It is possible that the relationships around you may have grown a little distant, maybe a little chilly even, but the arguing hasn't likely been taking a rest. Now you are putting some of your wants into the forefront, and also looking into some new ventures for business even; in any event do for yourself, even if the problems grow a bit large, there isn't anything that can hold you back now busy beaver, go for the gold!

Taurus: Big dreams are on the horizon for you, words are what bring you the most satisfaction and also the most pain, this is where you are vulnerable as others don't always share your enthusiasm, this can sometimes be crushing, but not for long, as you will soon spring back with new ways to make your dreams a reality; even though life is a drag now, just wait for the pizzazz to come along, road trip anyone?

Gemini: It's all about the fun, but lately this hasn't been the case, the family circle has changed, and major upheavals have brought you to a whole new appreciation for the good times when they peak through, all is not lost though, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and no it isn't a train...promise! It is going to come through inheritances and other people's money, these are blessings laced with some sadness, but in time will come healing, you will see.

Cancer: You are like a book, more than usual, as your feelings seems to bubble right to the surface and others can really see how you feel about things, it is so surprise that relationships are being called into question, but running back to the shell won't do this time, you have to deal with what you feel. Career and home are both in upheaval: the career taking many exciting, if not unexpected turns, and the home more persnickety and less than friendly, everyone is a critic, and you are not amused. Health is greatly influenced by unconscious fear and worries, if you feel cornered, now is the time to think of where you would rather be.

Leo:  You have feelings, too, but people just don't understand, so you hide that and much more and instead put up the front of the fiery pride to take the heat off your emotional wounds. Emotions aren't you most favorite things, you would rather roar and move on with things, but there are times when understanding why you feel the way you do will make all the difference. Do watch what you say, though, people might think you critical, but at this point you likely don't care what they are thinking as the frustration level rises. There is likely to be a phone call with loved ones and friends in a tizzy, but don't let your pretty mane be rustled, all will work out fine, it isn't the tip of the ice berg that is to be feared, but rather all that lies beneath that needs tending to, don't ignore the inevitable.

Virgo:  Staying mum about what is chapping your bum isn't going to do anything but give you and ulcer, no really, you need to watch inflammation and sickness right now, it may have been coming for sometime, but that is no surprise with all that you are involved in! So this is where you have to choose false peace or assertive action, in this case the later is very much needed. Finances stay sort of in the middle, but the balancing act takes more than a pocket full of sunshine and butterscotch dreams, you have to lay practical ground work for financial stability, and so far so good, but you are straddling the passive emotional response and the full on wrath approach, and somewhere in the middle will likely do the trick, with you razor sharp words and observations, no one can argue with your logic or your methods, if they do they get a swift kick straight through the goal post and onto a home run, stick to your tough talk and all will be well. 

Libra: Less like scales and more like Atlas: you are carrying more than you share of the load, at home and work, but you pretend you don't mind, or just brush it off. Though you have strong determination, there is trouble stirring in paradise, and soon the whole world will see what lies beneath the surface. So warn the monkeys on your back to take a flying leap, as it will only be a matter of time before your cup overfloweth, and brother will it ever! Though things are on a more serious note for now, chin up, this too shall pass.

Scorpio: Looking into the future, the long term is where you find yourself going, though you don't usually go with the flow, you find yourself a little more chatty than normal, and that is just fine with you, oh master of disguise and secrecy, as you are feeling the heaviness, loneliness, and pain more than you would ever let on. Home is feeling sentimental and sappy, but also confusing, something that you with all your insights and laser sharp focus find not too appeasing; watch for flare up with kids and young-ins, also look for some healthy competition to take away some of that old blase`.

Sagittarius: Things are heavy and serious, not to mention a little glum, and you are, quite frankly, over and done with it! The job is weighing on you, and so aren't all those associates trying to force you into their proper little molds, these days just aren't as fun as they used to be it seems, and you are plotting to have some fun, please and thank you, and what an archer wants, they most certainly get, so put those intense feelings into action, play a less than friendly game of catch ya later, I'm calling off sick today, or am I, hmmm....

Capricorn: It's all about relationships for you, and speaking of that, it all happens to be on you, spot light and all is shining down, the curtain's up, what is your choice? There are many feelings rushing through you now, but you have been giving lots of thought to things, and here-goes-nothing is the attitude to take, even though you have been going through trust issues, mind games, and all of the hoops to find love, and after all you have worried and fretted, and came to a conclusion on your feelings for that special someone, now is the time to go get 'em!

Aquarius: You have been feeling a little misunderstood lately, especially with friends and co-workers, and you may have noticed that the water cooler talk is a little more strained than normal, but one thing you have going for you is that uncanny ability to just go in and say what you feel, don't over process everything right now, you have the gumption to say what you mean, and mean what you say, so put it out there and try a little dry humor, that should soften the ice.

Pisces: Have you been feeling a little more child-like or childish lately? Romance is certainly in a place to be fun, flirty, and hot! hot! hot! Don't be surprised if you pick up with someone at a party or through a friend, as there is some calculating qualities to this potential, and also watch getting too deep in your pockets with the scratch off tickets and what not, gambling can be a guilty pleasure or a deadly sin you know; whatever happens; just be sure that the youthful fun and games doesn't start looking like an overused box of crayons, and if you, or the other person  just can't take it to a more mature place, well.... as they say, enjoy it while it lasts, as it will no doubt be an emotional roller coaster, and a thrilling ride!