Monday, February 20, 2012

New Moon in Pisces: Taking an Emotional Turn

The New Moon signifies a brand new chapter that is underway in your life, and with it being in the dreamy and sensitive sign of Pisces, expect things to easily drift out of hand. This is a time to find new, fresh ways to handle the areas of your life that have you scratching your head. One thing is for certain, this period will be anything but bland, and over romanticizing, or totally misreading people and affairs in your life abounds, but this is a time to look for ways to avoid seeing with blinders on, and that is what will become the reward and challenge.

Aries: Take a time out, you have been too loud and proud in taking on all the areas of your life, and now you need some "me" time, when the Moon moves into your sign, expect to feel fully energized, with a tad bit more charm than usual, sometimes just sitting back and taking everything in proves more beneficial than you realize.

Taurus: Friendships are where you will be seeing some new activity- you have the chance to make some deep emotional bonds, but try not to idealize the outcome, it is all about laughter, not fretting over the what ifs.

Gemini: Changing the way you come across is all important now, as image dictates how others relate to you as a person, and that has a huge bearing on personal and professional opportunities. Remember, being a little more vulnerable and open can win more admirers than anything else.

Cancer: Travel and talking out differences, especially with those who are outside the home, and also siblings and neighbors, will bring a new chapter in your life for the better, but being totally honest and seeing culpability in the problems that have arisen will be the challenge now, you must face the music..

Leo:  Confusion over joint finances and investments has you looking for answers, it is important to be wary of deception, even of those who you implicitly trust will need to be examined now. The most important thing is to stay focused on what you know to be true, and avoid having your kindness exploited, especially in finances, as everyone has a sob story, but not everyone is genuine.

Virgo: Relationships have you wondering where you stand, you are finding yourself looking into how you fit into the other person's life, but what is needed now is a firm reminder that you very well could be reading more into the problems than normal, but if you discover otherwise, discuss the direction you are both going in- together or apart.

Libra: Feeling tired and drained has you fed up with your health woes, and with Neptune in the picture hasn't helped matters, as you are unsure whether they are emotionally based, or something off the wall no one has considered, the best bet is to work with healthcare professionals and talk freely about what you are going through, Saturn has certainly done a number on you.

Scorpio: Feeling down has you missing the good times you have had, but you are needing to be more emotionally playful, something you are not usually down for, but now it appears that it will help you relate more with those around you, give it a try, and get in touch with your romantic and artistic sides, but with a Scorpio twist-and this means deep, intense, and rich with meaning and hidden treats, go all out!

Sagittarius: Everything has been hitting home, and this doesn't have you laughing, this is a chance to mend fences with those from your past, who you have depended on, and also with the nurturing parent and family. Take the time to smooth things over sincerely, and with affection, it will work magic in your life.

Capricorn:Words and communications with those who you usually have a blast, are taking a serious, emotional tone, and secrets are something that make you a nervous wreak, what if I get in trouble, what if I'm the bad guy? But part of deep friendships, and relationships of all varieties, is about trust and the nitty gritty side of the other person, it takes two, so give and receive, but do keep that cautious side, you never know.

Aquarius:Finances have you needing to get real, and fast! This is not something you like dealing with, but this is your chance to improve in your spending habits, and getting the most out of your earnings. By taking the bull by the horns you will avoid unpleasant surprises cropping up later.

Pisces:You are in need of finding yourself, but that is no easy task, as you are often in the dark as to who you are. This New Moon will be bringing the chance to glimpse into habits, and see the other person's point of view, as long as it is communicated sweetly, you have tender feelings, and you can't bare others being upset with you.

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