Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Saturn Retrograde and What it Means for You

Saturn, the planet of Karma and major life lessons, has gone retrograde. So what does that all mean/ Well you can bet on is that what lessons you haven't learned, no matter the area of your life it involves, will be brought back to your attention, and if anything needs tended to or recognized, especially things you believed to be over and done with, will be revisiting you now. Saturn brings with it many restrictions, and causes you to re-route your energy and life, and as it has been going direct for quite some time now, you probably started feeling a recovery and a return to normalcy coming for you. Not so fast, you have missed some details along the way, so take a look at your sign to see where you must work to tie up loose ends in order to close the chapter of Saturn in Libra for the time being.

Aries: Time to tidy up relationships, and learn from your past mistakes, yes it is about taking accountability I'm afraid, the benefit is that you can improve, maybe save, a relationship now if you are willing to change and see in between the lines.

Taurus: Put down the cookie jar lid! You are needing to watch your diet, and look after health concerns. You were doing well, but then life happened, and you fell off the diet band wagon. Remember, everything in moderation.

Gemini: Talk about busting your bubble, your lesson is to take life more seriously, no gambling or torrid affairs I'm afraid, especially when it comes with your children, other people's kiddies, and the stepchildren, each presents issues for you now where they apply. Also, time to take yourself more seriously and think things through, you have a wonderful mind, use it!

Cancer: Trouble is on your own doorstep, and it is time to manage it once and for all. There has been attempts at diplomacy, but some bluntness wouldn't hurt. the big lesson is to let things come to an end that are already over, no need to rehash the past when there is plenty more on your plate, take care of your emotional self at this time.

Leo: Its all talk, but that is where you need to draw from; words are powerful for good or ill, and you are learning that they also have the ability to hurt, and also to heal. Sometimes admitting where you are wrong helps heal the past for the better. Short trips and all things dealing with siblings and neighbors will be delayed, but the key to mending fences is through a good heart to heart.

Virgo: Money! this is your chance to either sink or swim in the financial arena, as this is the last chance to learn from your mistakes and either prosper, or go bankrupt. Make the most of your eye for detail, and keep it simple for the time being.

Libra: It's all about you, and that being said, it's time to address health and issues relating to the bod and your self esteem. This is a time where you will be challenged to be happy in your own skin, and take the plunge to tackle whatever troubles you have weighing on you, sometimes you have to share this burden with others, and that is the beauty of relationships after all, dump away!

Scorpio: What's gnawing at you? The lesson for you now is to stop fretting over what you are hiding, as it will not stop it from coming out or changing things. Things are the way they are, and you are better off facing them now, and tiding up, then to make an even bigger mess of things up the road, food for thought.

Sagittarius: The time is come to look at the friend scene, who has jumped ship and why? This retrograde of Saturn is asking you to look at why your friend scene has changed, and maybe teach you to take others' feelings into account once and a while, not that you intended for this to happen, but you can never have too many friends in life, best to change what isn't working and save, maybe regain, the friendships in your life.

Capricorn: All work and no play has you needing to re-assess your career goals. It also means that you are starting to put off an air of all business, and that leaves little room for anything exciting, let alone relationships to flourish they way you would like. Try and take a break where you can, it will improve all playing fields.

Aquarius: Luxury has it's upsides, certainly, but it is time to reign in the party wagon a little, as things are little too easy come easy go, this is the lesson most important to come by: bear down on studies and education, they will take some time to master, but you will go further than you could ever dream once you do,

Pisces: There is so much you have to think about, to choose from, and it is deeply secretive, not that you aren't that way naturally, but when it comes to  obsessing over joint finances, and personal transformations, it makes it that much more personal to you. The time has come to heal from the loss of those you have loved, that is the only way to carry on. In the end, the lesson to take away is that nothing is ever as complicated or simple as it seems, but is rather what you make it to be.

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